Sunday, 25 May 2014

Festival Belia Putrajaya 2014

psychotic Art zine telah berada di Festiva Belia Putrajaya pada 24th june 2014 - bagi mempromosikan issue June 2014 dan juga bagi menarik contributors artworks bagi issue august 2014.
Terima kasih kepada Buku Jalanan Seremban + Waghih, Komplot Seni, Zine Collector kerana menyediakan pengankutan, dan booth untuk pihak PAZ.
Till we meet again at BOCO 11 on 7th June 2014..join and don't miss the fun! here some photos at #FBP2014..enjoy it!

Buku Jalanan Waghih
di dataran Nilai.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Calling to all art maker!!

Calling to all art maker! seems that we have finished compiling PAZ edisi june 2014.ready to send it to printer at the end of may....we are looking for art maker to be in our Edisi August 2014..send your artworks now! 

Send it to :

Calling the art makers to submit their arworks for
Psychotic Art Zine - Edisi August 2014 

Saturday, 10 May 2014

We have reach our target. thank you!

Today we have reach our target of was copy no. 102.thank you.
We will start new our new campaign for Edisi August 2014 soon..
keep sending your artworks.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

PAZ Edisi June 2014 is 95% complete.

For today, master copy for Psychotic Art Zine Edisi June 2014 is 95% complete..can't wait !
here the cover for PAZ june 2014 done by Saiful Nizam / Kucing Pink. 
I guess we have to think and planned about next issue. Life is great at the fast lane.

#psychoticartzine edisi june 2014.

Here some artworks and list of contributor so far..we hope you can join us soon..